

Which Audio Player?AudioDigital

Which Audio Player?

Listening to the translated Scriptures: a review of today’s digital audio players
Richard Margetts (2024)
Fifth Edition - Revised for May 2024 It is not hard to convince those involved in Scripture access and Scripture engagement of the value of listening to audio Scriptures. We want to assist communities in making strategic choices about how…
May 26, 2024
Bible AquiferBible TranslationDigitalUnderstanding Scripture

Bible Aquifer

Global Access to Trustworthy Bible Resources
"Imagine a world where everyone has free and unrestricted access to trustworthy Bible translations and biblical resources in a language they understand and illuminates the meaning of the Scriptures in the original languages. Enabling widespread understanding of the Bible and…
May 8, 2024
People of the ScreenDigitalResearch

People of the Screen

How Evangelicals Created the Digital Bible and How It Shapes Their Reading of Scripture
John Dyer (2022)
From the book description: People of the Screen traces the history of Bible software development, showing the unique and powerful role evangelical entrepreneurs and coders have played in shaping its functionality and how their choices in turn shape the reading…
March 13, 2023


Website and app for Bible reading and engagement
BibleBooster is an initiative by Bible Societies for Bible Societies. It provides a website and a mobile app which focus on optimising the experience of online Bible reading and supporting Bible engagement. It can serve the needs of those with…
October 24, 2022
Translating the Bible into Action (2nd edition)AdvocacyBible PreachingBible ReadingBible StorytellingBible StudyBible TranslationChildrenCultureDigitalDramaLanguage IssuesLiteracyMarketing and DistributionMeditation and PrayerMemorising ScriptureMusic and WorshipTrauma HealingVisual Arts

Translating the Bible into Action

How the Bible can be Relevant in all Languages and Cultures
Margaret Hill, Harriet Hill (2022)
Second Edition (2022) When Jesus was born to Mary, God “translated” himself into our human world. This act of God’s translation continues today wherever the gospel is expressed, in each language and lived out in each culture that makes up…
June 18, 2022
AppsAudioDigitalFilm and VideoMarketing and DistributionOrality

The EMDC Podcast

Getting to know the people, places and possibilities behind the global EMDC community
The EMDC Podcast gives you the opportunity to meet some of the people involved in Scripture Engagement around the world. Podcast hosts Tim Cowley and Steve Baughman talk to colleagues involved in orality and storytelling, filmmaking, ethnoarts, websites for ministry,…
October 7, 2021
DigitalMarketing and Distribution

Which Wi-Fi Media Box?

A detailed comparison of the ConnectBox, LightStream Pocket, MicroPi and BibleBox Pi
Martin Lange (2021)
How do you get digital resources into the hands of people who aren’t connected to the Internet? How do you distribute apps, videos, audio, documents, and images to people who can’t afford the data it would take to download those…
May 31, 2021
DigitalResponding to Needs

Digital Dialogue

Daring to stay relevant in an era of information overload
Andreas Ernst (2021)
Effective media is not about the right products or numbers, but about the quality of interaction with people. What does this really mean? Andreas Ernst highlights three key principles which can help us assess how engaging our media approaches are.…
April 13, 2021