Mission Media Coach is a YouTube channel dedicated to helping you use media and mobile phone devices to help others know and follow Jesus. It is a growing library of videos to inspire and equip you with case studies, app…
The Mobiles, Media & Ministry: Lessons for Learners & Trainers curriculum contains 41 lessons, 360 pages of trainer guide materials, 70 pages of student handouts, and over 1,000 presenter slides. The lessons are divided into four topic areas: Foundations: Principles…
Social media can be a forum for engaging with the Scriptures, as well as being a place for promoting Scripture products and Scripture engagement resources. The Mobile Ministry Forum (MMF) has assembled a guide that takes you through what you…
A simple guide to begin or advance your use of mobiles
The heart of ministry is relationship. While mobile devices offer capabilities in mass sharing of the Gospel, they are ultimately a great tool for effective ongoing outreach and in building relationships. Updated edition, September 2014 If you're looking for an…
A brief introduction to mobile ministry and its place in world missions
Keith Williams (2012)
An exciting growth area for Scripture Engagement practitioners is working out how mobile phones can be used around the world to encourage the use of the Scriptures. This 5-minute video presents an introduction to the possibilities of mobile ministry: Mobile…