

DigitalEvangelismStrategic Planning

Media to Movements

Media to Movements exists to advance the Great Commission among the least reached peoples of the world. We equip disciple makers in media strategies to identify and engage spiritual seekers who accelerate a movement of reproducing disciples. What is media…
May 28, 2020
Bible StudyEvangelism

The Word One to One

"The Word One to One helps you introduce your friends to Jesus in His Word by presenting the Bible in an accessible, shareable and easy-to-use format. Designed specifically to be used with those who aren’t yet Christians, it has everything…
January 2, 2020
Bible StudyDiscipleshipEvangelism

Discovery Bible Study

Discovery Bible Study is a simple method to see for oneself what the Bible says about life's big questions. This website provides a guide to Discovery Bible Studies, a list of 28 suggested Bible passages, and additional studies. Content is…
October 22, 2019
DigitalEvangelismStrategic PlanningTraining

Kingdom Training

Kingdom.Training is an online training hub that equips disciple makers to accelerate movements through effective use of media. There is a focus on media to movements, social media and internet marketing. Courses include: Media to Disciple Making Movements: Strategy Development…
October 5, 2018
Bible StorytellingEvangelism

Bible Storying for Church Planting

Daniel Sanchez, J. O. Terry, LaNette Thompson (2008)
Adaptability on the part of the Bible storyer is absolutely essential if such efforts are to result in church starting. This adaptability must address the presentation of the stories, the number of stories that are utilized, the story sets that…
October 16, 2009
Bible StorytellingDiscipleshipEvangelism

Basic Bible Storying

Preparing and presenting Bible stories for evangelism, discipleship, training and ministry
J. O. Terry (2009)
Bible Storying is the intentional and uninterrupted sharing of God's Word primarily as stories. These stories are usually supplemented with culturally appropriate learning exercises that are listener sensitive. The stories may be told as part of a strategy of telling…
October 16, 2009