
Using Media

Jesus - Deaf MissionsDeafFilm and Video

Jesus: A Deaf Missions Film

Jesus: A Deaf Missions Film is due for release on 20 June 2024. Here is some more information from the film's website: "For the first time in history, a Deaf audience will have the unique opportunity to experience the story…
June 10, 2024
Which Audio Player?AudioDigital

Which Audio Player?

Listening to the translated Scriptures: a review of today’s digital audio players
Richard Margetts (2024)
Fifth Edition - Revised for May 2024 It is not hard to convince those involved in Scripture access and Scripture engagement of the value of listening to audio Scriptures. We want to assist communities in making strategic choices about how…
May 26, 2024
Bible AquiferBible TranslationDigitalUnderstanding Scripture

Bible Aquifer

Global Access to Trustworthy Bible Resources
"Imagine a world where everyone has free and unrestricted access to trustworthy Bible translations and biblical resources in a language they understand and illuminates the meaning of the Scriptures in the original languages. Enabling widespread understanding of the Bible and…
May 8, 2024
The CovenantFilm and Video

The Covenant – LUMO Old Testament Film

From the creators of the LUMO Gospel Films now comes The Covenant, a visual masterpiece based on the Torah. Produced with the same commitment to Scripture-based, word-for-word narration, The Covenant is told through the eyes of Ezra and brings to…
September 19, 2023
MegaVoice LifeLightAudio

LifeLight Audio Bible Lantern

Solar-powered lantern with a built-in audio Bible player and radio
"The LifeLight provides much-needed light as well as life-giving messages." The LifeLight from MegaVoice is a solar-powered lantern, audio Bible player, AM/FM radio, clock, and loud speaker system via an external FM Headset transmitter. It can be used by house…
May 3, 2023
Bible TrekFilm and VideoUnderstanding Scripture

Bible Trek

Discover the sites. Experience the stories.
Through a series of short films, join Andrew Ollerton (author of The Bible Course) as he treks through the Holy Land and beyond. Visit Jerusalem, Galilee, Ephesus and other locations. Discover the sites where famous Bible events took place, from…
March 25, 2023
People of the ScreenDigitalResearch

People of the Screen

How Evangelicals Created the Digital Bible and How It Shapes Their Reading of Scripture
John Dyer (2022)
From the book description: People of the Screen traces the history of Bible software development, showing the unique and powerful role evangelical entrepreneurs and coders have played in shaping its functionality and how their choices in turn shape the reading…
March 13, 2023
Voice TransformationAudio

Missiological Aspects of Voice Transformation

David Nuagh (2022)
"The need to modify a voice for recording of Scripture is fraught with technical and missiological challenges. Adequate planning can help to ensure that these challenges can be avoided." In this digital age, it is easy to alter or even…
January 9, 2023