
Bible Translation

Spoken English BibleBible TranslationOralityYoung People

Spoken English Bible

A translation of the Bible that is intended to be heard and told
The Spoken English Bible is creating the first oral Bible translation in English. It's intended audience is American English speakers of the younger generations (late 30s and under) who have minimal biblical knowledge. There have been hundreds of oral Bible…
December 20, 2024
Traduire la Bible en ActesAdvocacyBible ReadingBible StorytellingBible StudyBible TranslationCultureLanguage Issues

Traduire la Bible en Actes

Manuel pour faire un bon usage de la Bible dans chaque langue et culture
Margaret Hill, Harriet Hill (2024)
Second Edition "Je recommande ce livre à tous ceux qui souhaitent que la traduction de la Bible transforme des vies ! Traduire la Bible en Actes rassemble une mine d’expériences de praticiens de la traduction qui cherchent à faciliter l’interaction…
November 11, 2024
Bible AquiferBible TranslationDigitalUnderstanding Scripture

Bible Aquifer

Global Access to Trustworthy Bible Resources
"Imagine a world where everyone has free and unrestricted access to trustworthy Bible translations and biblical resources in a language they understand and illuminates the meaning of the Scriptures in the original languages. Enabling widespread understanding of the Bible and…
May 8, 2024
Bible TranslationLanguage Issues

Translanguaging: Leveraging Multilingualism for Scripture Engagement

In The Bible Translator, Vol 73, Issue 1, 2022
Timothy Hatcher, Sangsok Son (2022)
Translanguaging as both a theoretical and andragogical lens respects established language-use preferences of end users and seeks to create engagement opportunities that correspond most naturally to a community's current language-use patterns. Use of Scripture should mirror language-use patterns observed elsewhere…
August 9, 2022
Translating the Bible into Action (2nd edition)AdvocacyBible PreachingBible ReadingBible StorytellingBible StudyBible TranslationChildrenCultureDigitalDramaLanguage IssuesLiteracyMarketing and DistributionMeditation and PrayerMemorising ScriptureMusic and WorshipTrauma HealingVisual Arts

Translating the Bible into Action

How the Bible can be Relevant in all Languages and Cultures
Margaret Hill, Harriet Hill (2022)
Second Edition (2022) When Jesus was born to Mary, God “translated” himself into our human world. This act of God’s translation continues today wherever the gospel is expressed, in each language and lived out in each culture that makes up…
June 18, 2022
Bible TranslationCultureResearch

Making a Difference

Bible Translation among the Dagomba and Konkomba of Northern Ghana
Solomon Sumani Sule-Saa, with Joyce Park (2021)
How did two very different language communities encounter and make early choices about Christianity? This book is a historical record of the Dagomba and Konkomba people groups of Northern Ghana as they embraced the Bible translated into their mother tongues.…
February 1, 2021
Bible TranslationDigital

PTXprint – Bible Layout For Everyone

Rapidly create Scripture PDFs for quality trial publications
PTXprint is a stand-alone program which allows you to create high quality PDFs for trial publications of Scripture. It has a multitude of easily configurable options allowing a whole range of outputs. The interface is user-friendly, enabling anyone to produce…
January 11, 2021