

Spoken English BibleBible TranslationOralityYoung People

Spoken English Bible

A translation of the Bible that is intended to be heard and told
The Spoken English Bible is creating the first oral Bible translation in English. It's intended audience is American English speakers of the younger generations (late 30s and under) who have minimal biblical knowledge. There have been hundreds of oral Bible…
December 20, 2024
Trust the StoryBible StorytellingOrality

Trust the Story

LaNette Thompson (2016)
"God uses stories to change lives. Faithfully told biblical stories cross the barriers of intercultural communication to change the lives of both teller and hearer. Powerful cultural and familial stories shape our lives and help define our values and worldview...…
June 7, 2023
God and LanguageLanguage IssuesOrality

God and Language

Exploring the Role of Language in the Mission of God
Michael Greed and Dawn Kruger (editors) (2022)
From the book description: What is language? “Language is more than syntax and morphology; it is the vehicle for assuming the weight of a culture,” writes John Pobee, quoted in Michel Kenmogne’s Foreword to this volume. More than that: language…
April 21, 2022
Bible StorytellingOrality

That Reminds Me of a Story

Podcast exploring emerging trends in orality and the communication of the gospel
That Reminds Me of a Story is a new podcast, hosted by Don Barger and Grant Lovejoy, exploring emerging trends in orality and the communication of the gospel. It answers common questions about the orality movement. The goal of the…
January 10, 2022
AppsAudioDigitalFilm and VideoMarketing and DistributionOrality

The EMDC Podcast

Getting to know the people, places and possibilities behind the global EMDC community
The EMDC Podcast gives you the opportunity to meet some of the people involved in Scripture Engagement around the world. Podcast hosts Tim Cowley and Steve Baughman talk to colleagues involved in orality and storytelling, filmmaking, ethnoarts, websites for ministry,…
October 7, 2021
Expository Preaching in AfricaBible PreachingOrality

Expository Preaching in Africa

Engaging Orality for Effective Proclamation
Ezekiel A. Ajibade (2021)
From the publisher's description: How can expository preaching, rooted in a textual analysis of Scripture, be effectively utilized in oral cultures? In Expository Preaching in Africa, Ezekiel A. Ajibade engages this challenge directly, offering practical techniques for integrating African oral…
July 21, 2021

Don’t Throw the Book at Them

Communicating the Christian Message to People Who Don’t Read
Harry Box (2014)
From the book's description: Don’t Throw the Book at Them addresses one of the most vital issues in contemporary missions. It is a manual for cross-cultural missionaries and national church leaders ministering in societies based on oral rather than written…
April 26, 2019
Bible TranslationLiteracyOrality

Translation, Literacy and Orality

Reflections from the domain of Bible translation
Dick Kroneman (2017)
"The current emphasis on oral approaches to scripture engagement is, generally speaking, a laudable development. Since oral communication is indeed the primary means of communication for many people in the South, it is indeed natural and important to recognize the…
October 9, 2018