
Meditation and Prayer

Translating the Bible into Action (2nd edition)AdvocacyBible PreachingBible ReadingBible StorytellingBible StudyBible TranslationChildrenCultureDigitalDramaLanguage IssuesLiteracyMarketing and DistributionMeditation and PrayerMemorising ScriptureMusic and WorshipTrauma HealingVisual Arts

Translating the Bible into Action

How the Bible can be Relevant in all Languages and Cultures
Margaret Hill, Harriet Hill (2022)
Second Edition (2022) When Jesus was born to Mary, God “translated” himself into our human world. This act of God’s translation continues today wherever the gospel is expressed, in each language and lived out in each culture that makes up…
June 18, 2022
Meditation and PrayerResponding to NeedsWomen

African Women Devotional Bible

Increase Bible Engagement in Africa and Beyond
The African Women Devotional Bible (AWDB) is a collaborative project of the Bible Societies in Africa who have come together to develop a Devotional Bible by African Women. It is a Scripture resource addressing circumstances and questions African Christian Women…
September 10, 2021
Bible ReadingMeditation and PrayerVisual Arts

The Abide Bible

Engage Scripture, Engage God
"The Abide Bible is an answer to prayer for those of us passionate about Scripture engagement. The features are designed so you can absorb the Word of God in a transformative way." (Tessie Devore, Lumo Project) Created in partnership with…
August 3, 2020
Meditation and Prayer

Praying Scripture

Scripture Engagement handout from the FOBAI Annual Meeting 2014
Taylor University Center for Scripture Engagement (2014)
While many tend to think of prayer and Bible reading as separate spiritual practices (e.g. first I pray, then I read the Bible), they can be even more powerful when combined into one practice of "praying Scripture." The Forum Of…
May 23, 2014
Meditation and Prayer

Lectio Divina

Scripture Engagement handout from the FOBAI Annual Meeting 2014
Taylor University Center for Scripture Engagement (2014)
Scripture engagement is a way of hearing and reading the Bible with an awareness that it is in the Bible that we primarily meet God. It is a marinating on, mulling over, reflecting on, dwelling on, pondering of the Scriptures,…
April 29, 2014
Bible ReadingMeditation and Prayer

Eat This Book

The Art of Spiritual Reading
Eugene Peterson (2006)
"I want to pull the Christian Scriptures back from the margins of the contemporary imagination where they have been so rudely elbowed by their glamorous competitors, and reestablish them at the center as the text for living the Christian life…
November 28, 2009
Bible ReadingMeditation and Prayer

Bible Reading Start-up Guide

Practical help for enjoying God’s Word every day
Whitney Kuniholm
Too often, we take a purely intellectual approach to the Bible. We think that studying more and more will somehow make God’s Word come alive. Of course, it’s valuable to gain Bible knowledge and to learn biblical truth. But the…
April 25, 2009
Meditation and PrayerResearch

The Psalms and Spirituality

A study of meditative engagement with selected psalms amongst Edinburgh students
Fergus Macdonald (2008)
"...the creative engagement between respondents and text results from respondents discovering that the psalms resonate with their idealism and basic human needs in ways that facilitate their ongoing spiritual quest for meaning and enlightenment, as well as providing an opportunity…
February 13, 2009