
Young People

Spoken English BibleBible TranslationOralityYoung People

Spoken English Bible

A translation of the Bible that is intended to be heard and told
The Spoken English Bible is creating the first oral Bible translation in English. It's intended audience is American English speakers of the younger generations (late 30s and under) who have minimal biblical knowledge. There have been hundreds of oral Bible…
December 20, 2024
AppsDiscipleshipYoung People


The Choice is Yours
Reach4Life is a comprehensive, Christian life skills program for young people — with a particular focus on identity, sexuality, and relationships — that brings about holistic spiritual and behavioral transformation. It is based on the idea that real comprehensive behavioral…
December 20, 2021
Young People


Engage Gen Z with honest conversations about Biblical truth
"Feed is a community of youth innovators who envision new ways of thinking and doing youth ministry that are tailored to the unique characteristics and needs of Generation Z." Feed, an initiative of OneHope, offers youth pastors free resources and…
November 5, 2020
DigitalResearchYoung People

Global Youth Culture

Online and Off-Course
"Unfortunately, it seems that instead of turning to sources of actual truth found in God’s Word, pastors, and the Church, our youth are doing Google and YouTube searches to find the answers for who they are and what is their…
September 28, 2020
Bible StudyYoung People

Leading a Group

Resources for leading inductive Bible studies - from InterVarsity
InterVarsity's website contains training resources for leading inductive Bible studies, including "How to Lead Observation", "How to Lead Interpretation", "How to Lead Application", "How to Prepare", "Resources For Growing as a Leader". "Every year, InterVarsity trains thousands of college…
October 25, 2019
Leadership TrainingYoung People

Lead Today

Biblical leadership training for young people
"Now, more than ever, the world is in need of a new generation of compassionate, strong, biblically-based leaders." After a four-year study spanning more than 150,000 teens in 44 nations, OneHope found that most teens did not understand the importance…
July 3, 2019
DigitalResearchYoung People

The Bible and Digital Millennials

David Ford, Joshua Mann, Peter Phillips (2019)
From the book description: The Bible and Digital Millennials explores the place of the Bible in the lives of 18 to 35 year-olds who have been born into the digital age. As the use of digital media becomes increasingly pervasive,…
June 14, 2019
Visual ArtsYoung People

Comics for Scripture Engagement

Comic Bible Society
Art Ayris, President, Comic Bible Society (2018)
The most popular global reading format is comics. In almost every area of the world, sequential art is an effective inroad into Scripture engagement and bridge to Scripture explanation and reading. Super Bible.TV hosts the most complete graphic adaptation of…
April 9, 2018
ResearchYoung People

The Bible Reading of Young Evangelicals

An Exploration of the Ordinary Hermeneutics and Faith of Generation Y
Ruth Perrin (2016)
From the book’s description: "Young evangelicals in Britain often find themselves at odds with an increasingly secular society, and yet the tradition persists and in some places flourishes. Sociological studies into the faith of this demographic group are rare, yet…
October 6, 2017