Global Youth Culture
Online and Off-Course
Publisher: OneHope (2020)

“Unfortunately, it seems that instead of turning to sources of actual truth found in God’s Word, pastors, and the Church, our youth are doing Google and YouTube searches to find the answers for who they are and what is their purpose. Their confusion is not new. In fact, I think today’s teens closely resemble doubting Thomas in John 14:5-6, when he asks a big life question, ‘How do we know the way?'”

Global Youth Culture is a OneHope research study covering the trends and behaviors of today’s teenagers, the most connected generation. With these findings, we can recognize similarities between young people from different regions of the world. Do teenagers in Africa have similar views on identity as those in Asia? Are religious practices of the next generation in Eurasia and North America trending the same? Global Youth Culture provides a clear picture of these issues and additional diverse topics.

More than 8,300 teens from 20 countries completed an online survey for the Global Youth Culture project.

The report is available as a free download.

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