
Generation Z - Scripture Engagement

Young People


Engage Gen Z with honest conversations about Biblical truth
"Feed is a community of youth innovators who envision new ways of thinking and doing youth ministry that are tailored to the unique characteristics and needs of Generation Z." Feed, an initiative of OneHope, offers youth pastors free resources and…
November 5, 2020
DigitalResearchYoung People

Global Youth Culture

Online and Off-Course
"Unfortunately, it seems that instead of turning to sources of actual truth found in God’s Word, pastors, and the Church, our youth are doing Google and YouTube searches to find the answers for who they are and what is their…
September 28, 2020
ResearchYoung People

The Bible According to Gen Z

Help Your Young People Enjoy Life with the Bible
Adrian Blenkinsop (2013)
"The Bible According to Gen Z" is a collection of essays from Australia on encouraging Bible engagement among young people. It includes research results and analysis, together with responses from youth leaders and case studies. Here are some selected quotes:…
September 28, 2016