From the book description:
People of the Screen traces the history of Bible software development, showing the unique and powerful role evangelical entrepreneurs and coders have played in shaping its functionality and how their choices in turn shape the reading habits of millions of people around the world. Examining advancements in Bible software from the first desktop applications to pioneering Bible websites, and later to mobile apps and virtual experiences, this book argues that evangelical creators have a distinct orientation toward societal change and technology called “Hopeful Entrepreneurial Pragmatism” that uniquely positions them to lead the digital Bible market, imbuing their creations with evangelical ways of understanding the nature and purpose of Scripture.
This book offers a blend of historical research, interviews with developers, and field work among digital and print Bible readers, offering a nuanced look at the interconnected ecosystem of publishers, developers, pastors, institutions, and software companies. Digital Bibles aren’t replacing print Bibles, author John Dyer shows. Rather, the future of Bible engagement involves readers using a mix of print, audio, and screens to suit their needs. He shows that sometimes the God of the page seems to say different things than the God of the screen, suggesting that we are still in the early stages of a multimedia approach to scripture.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Studying Technology and Faith
Chapter 3: Evangelicals, the Bible, and Technology
Chapter 4: Four Waves of Bible Software Development
Chapter 5: Programmers and the Business of Bible Software
Chapter 6: A Portrait of Evangelical Bible Readers
Chapter 7: The Influence of Digital on Evangelical Reader Behavior
Chapter 8: Conclusions
People of the Screen is available in hardcover and Kindle formats.