In this complete guide to expository preaching, Bryan Chapell teaches the basics of preparation, organization, and delivery–the trademarks of great preaching. This new edition of a bestselling resource, now updated and revised throughout, shows how Chapell’s case for expository preaching reaches twenty-first-century readers.
Part 1: Principles for Expository Preaching
1. Word and Witness
2. Obligations of the Sermon
3. The Priority of the Text
4. Components of Exposition
Part 2: Preparation of Expository Sermons
5. The Process of Explanation
6. Outlining and Structure
7. The Pattern of Illustration
8. The Practice of Application
9. Introductions, Conclusions, and Transitions
Part 3: A Theology of Christ-Centered Messages
10. A Redemptive Approach to Preaching
11. Developing Redemptive Sermons