
Cameroon - Scripture Engagement

Leadership Training

Typical Local Language Seminar for Pastors

A report of a seminar for Ejagham pastors from Cameroon and Nigeria
Chris Jackson (2003)
One pastor reported, 'I never understood grace like that before. I think I can learn a great deal using the Ejagham New Testament in my Bible study. And my people need to hear this so that they will understand better…
February 18, 2009
ChildrenLiteracyVisual Arts

Scripture Big Books

Promoting Scripture use in difficult environments
Mary Beavon (2001)
“The illustrations captured the imagination of the children.” Mary Beavon describes a Scripture Use activity their team used in an area of Cameroon where churches are small, travel is difficult, and people have little money. They developed Scripture Big Books…
December 5, 2008