7 Key Trends in the Mobile Space

7 Key Trends in the Mobile Space
Author: Ed (One Hundred Fold Consulting)
Publisher: Mobile Ministry Forum (2011)

A presentation given at the Mobile Ministry Forum Consultation in December 2011, highlighting 7 key trends in the mobile space:

  1. Saturation – It is projected that we’ll reach 7 billion mobile phone subscriptions in 2012. That doesn’t mean everyone will have a phone, but most will have access, whether with their own phone or through friends and family. In 2011, there were 1 billion mobile broadband subscriptions. 2 billion smartphones are predicted for 2015.
  2. Mini Tablets/e-Readers – These are becoming more affordable, such as the $60 tablets being developed in India for school children.
  3. Operating Systems – Android sales are increasing, although a large proportion of current phones run on Symbian.
  4. Content – New content repositories are being created, such as REAP (SIL), ETEN (Every Tribe Every Nation), TWR’s Linguablast and LinguaDMS.
  5. Facebook – Facebook is expected to reach 1 billion users in 2012.
  6. Engagement – There’s a desire to encourage and measure engagement with content. It’s estimated that 90% users read/watch content, 9% interact with it (e.g. comment/like/share), and 1% create new content.
  7. Security – Complete anonymity doesn’t exist. There is an increased ability to monitor people’s mobile use. Sharing SD cards and bluetooth transfers are safer in sensitive situations. Some countries are trying to phase out anonymous SIM cards, requiring people to register.

Watch the video in Vimeo…

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