Brazil Forum for Use of the Scriptures in Indigenous Languages

Brazil Forum for Use of the Scriptures in Indigenous Languages
Author: Edna Headland (2010)

“Praise God for this event where so many people from what Brazil calls the three waves of missions worked together. As one person reported, he heard expatriates, Portuguese MT Brazilians and indigenous people calling the event ‘their forum’.”

This is a report from the first Brazil Forum for the Use of the Scriptures in Indigenous Languages, which brought together 200 people, representing 59 ethnic groups and 32 organizations. It was held from August 29th to September 3rd 2010.

There were plenary sessions in the morning with group discussions following. In the afternoon there were workshops on topics such as Scripture Memorization, Use of Indigenous Scriptures in the family and eight other diverse topics. The evenings were for enjoying different ethnic music, hearing testimonies, and in general, having good fellowship.

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