“The app is powerful because it allows ordinary people to engage with scripture, become an obedient disciple and share their faith others. The questions are simple and memorable, which means that anyone can lead a Discovery Bible Study with anybody, anywhere.”
The Discover App provides Discovery Bible Studies (DBS), which are a great way for groups to study the Bible together. The aim is to encourage practical discipleship by allowing people people to:
- discover what the story means for themselves
- learn about more about God and Jesus
- obey what they are learning
- tell others what they have learned
- model discipleship to others.
The app contains 30 Bible studies, in text and audio, from Creation to Christ. It is currently available in the following languages: English, Arabic, Somali, Dari, Pashto, Turkish and Indonesian.
Discover App from Discover App on Vimeo.
Discovery Bible Studies are ideal for catalysing Disciple Making Movements (DMM) – that is disciples making disciples who make disciples. They are also great for running Discipleship Courses, small group Bible study and training leaders.