The Good Samaritan

The Good Samaritan

The Good Samaritan Outreach package is a Christian program that, based on the message from Jesus, encourages everyone to reach out to fellow humans in need. The HIV/AIDS epidemic has drastically affected both individuals and society and this program wants to respond to this challenge with a triple aim;

  • to prevent new people getting infected
  • to help people living with HIV/AIDS to accept and cope with their situation
  • to encourage both infected and healthy people to join hands as Good Samaritans.

The Good Samaritan Outreach package discusses:

  • the nature of the HIV/AIDS infection
  • factors that influence the spread of HIV/AIDS
  • preventative measures
  • how people can live positively with HIV/AIDS
  • how both healthy and infected people can join hands to care for people who suffer from the epidemic

The package, now available in many countries in Africa includes:

  • Resource booklet
  • Flipchart/posters
  • Video: “Where is the Good Samaritan today?”. Teaching about AIDS and the Christian response, based around Jesus’ parable
  • Video: “Who is responsible? The story of Suzanne”. A drama in the life of a young woman, Suzanne, who contracts HIV
  • Booklet and video: “Take charge !”. A series of case studies and Bible study/discussions for young people.
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