Moments before Jesus’ final breath he proclaimed, “Tetelestai”, “It is finished”. What exactly had Jesus finished? Why does this phrase have the potential to change human destiny? In order to answer these questions, the Tetelestai series unfolds the Story of the Bible from the beginning. These 11 episodes trace the Eternal Story of Redemption from the Garden of Eden to the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Ideal for small groups and individual study, start your journey today and watch Scripture unfold to reveal a God who passionately loves humanity and paid the ultimate price for our rescue.
The Tetelestai series is available in several languages, including English, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic, Swedish and Indonesian. More translation projects are underway.
Tetelestai from lightinaction on Vimeo.
Thought-provoking topics for discussion accompany each episode of Tetelestai. You can download the Study Guides from the Tetelestai website.