‘Unleash the Word’, by Karen Soole, provides practical help and encouragement on studying the Bible in small groups. The author recommends the ‘big questions’ model:
- The “no-holds barred question”: is there anything that particularly strikes you as we read the passage through?
- What does it say?
- What does it mean?
- So what?
Some helpful quotations from the book:
“A small-group leader is not there to lecture group members, but to help them engage with the text.” (ch. 1)
“So as we approach the idea of leading a Bible study, we have two main aims in our minds: the first is to get people to really engage with God’s Word so that they are rooted in Christ; the second is to make sure the Bible is handled well within a context that handles people well.” (ch. 1)
“The aim in a study is for the leader to help everyone move on in their understanding, to spiral deeper into the text, to get closer to the heart of God’s Word.” (ch. 2)
“Whatever our temperaments we need to keep hold of two principles: we need to first really know and rejoice in God’s Word, and second really know and love God’s people.” (ch. 3)
“Switching from a model of Bible study that asks many questions to one with far fewer is nerve-wracking – it is as though your security blanket has been taken away. It might appear structure-less, but this method has a very clear structure. People are often concerned that with so few questions the group will quickly come to a staggering halt. In my experience this does not happen.” (ch. 7)
“Let’s not make our studies into sessions that leave everyone burdened by religious rules but instead let us encourage each other to live in relationship with our Lord because of His mercy.” (ch. 6)
Available as a printed book and in eBook/Kindle format.