For many, the Bible is a foreign book with many stories and regulations. The gospel seems limited to giving one access to God and life after death, but everyday life questions, in all spheres of life, are being answered by…
Abstract: This dissertation contributes to the missiological conversation on transformational Scripture engagement. Translation into the mother–tongue and good distribution by themselves are insufficient to enable multi–lingual Budu believers of Congo–Kinshasa translate the Bible into action and changed lives. Literature surveyed…
Construire des ponts à travers l’interaction avec la Bible et le discipolat
Bettina Gottschlich-Modibale (2017)
"Bible translation and Scripture engagement play a role in liberating a people to understand their value, role, and destiny according to the Word of God and to embrace it to glorify God, to transform nations and make disciples." In this…
'Vers la dédicace' planning and discussions in DRC
Bettina Gottschlich (2009)
The dedication of the New Testament should be a wonderful celebration, but it should also be much more than that. It is about a change of mind, heart and life, individually as well as corporately. This article describes ongoing language…