
Edinburgh 2010 - Scripture Engagement

AdvocacyResponding to NeedsWomenYoung People

Bible in Mission

Regnum Edinburgh Centenary Series
Pauline Hoggarth, Fergus Macdonald, Bill Mitchell, Knud Jørgensen (eds.) (2013)
“The Bible is alive – it has hands and grabs hold of me, it has feet and runs after me”. Thus spoke Martin Luther, as cited by Knud Jørgensen in a quotation that summarizes the deeper meaning of this book.…
June 17, 2014

Children, Mission and the Bible: A Global Perspective

Wendy Strachan (2010)
Information is important – it can help children make responsible choices. Entertainment is engaging – it helps the story to come alive. But we cannot be satisfied with these outcomes when the Bible is so clearly about transformation. This Bible…
October 22, 2011