“In UBS thinking Scripture Engagement is a concept that emphasises making the Bible discoverable, accessible and relevant, that includes both making the Bible recoverable and discoverable as Sacred Scripture, and making Scriptures accessible as a place of life enhancing and life transforming encounter.”
Bill Mitchell describes some of the challenges faced by United Bible Societies in the twenty-first century.
Globalisation and new technology challenge churches and Bible Societies “to intentionally engage the new culture, to express the faith in new media forms. Making the Word of God accessible on the Internet, as opposed to making it possible to access the standard text of the Bible via the Internet, requires understanding and use of a new ‘media language’.”
Bible Society strategies have needed to change around the world, moving from “dealing with Bible needs to developing mission strategies”, moving from “distribution targets to engagement and encounter, from biblical illiteracy to transformational change, and from sales strategies to shared communication.”
The article concludes with five examples of Scripture engagement from Latin America and the UK, to “illustrate the creative implementation and localisation of global mission strategies”.
This paper was presented at the Edinburgh 2010 Conference, celebrating 100 years since the landmark Edinburgh 1910 world missionary conference.