
Mark - Scripture Engagement

Film and Video

Faith Comes By Hearing Gospel Films

LUMO films with New Testament recordings
Faith Comes By Hearing (FCBH), in partnership with the LUMO Project, is producing Gospel Films with the full text of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. By 2033, they aim to "produce at least one Gospel Film in every language that…
September 23, 2020
Film and Video


The Gospels for the Visual Age
"LUMO is a groundbreaking, multi-language biblical resource that was created to transform the way in which people engage, discover, and study the life of Jesus through the Gospels, and to resource ministries seeking to promote global biblical literacy." The LUMO…
November 3, 2019
ChildrenVisual Arts

Jesus Messiah Picture Book

Willem de Vink
Jesus Messiah is a graphic novel (comic) of the life of Jesus, the Messiah. It was created in 1993 by Willem de Vink, and has been translated into more than 155 languages. As well as printed formats, Jesus Messiah can…
October 6, 2018