IFES Scripture Engagement
International Fellowship of Evangelical Students

“Scripture engagement is about all of life. It is listening and responding to God’s Word alone and together with others. It is digesting and living out the Word in every relationship and circumstance. It is unashamedly and competently sharing God’s good news in our world. Above all, Scripture engagement is meeting the Living Word in the written word – meeting Jesus and receiving his life.”

This website is facilitated by Sabine Kalthoff, Secretary for Scripture Engagement on the international staff team of IFES (International Fellowship of Evangelical Students).

It features a blog, aiming “to help you stop and think again about Scripture engagement in your life and community. Its aim is to inspire you through IFES stories and ideas from around the world – in the hope that together we will learn to more fully love, study, live, and share God’s Word.”

The site also links to a report from the IFES global consultation on Scripture engagement, held in 2011, and a paper on methods of small group Bible study.

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