
Students - Scripture Engagement

Bible StudyYoung People

Leading a Group

Resources for leading inductive Bible studies - from InterVarsity
InterVarsity's howto.bible website contains training resources for leading inductive Bible studies, including "How to Lead Observation", "How to Lead Interpretation", "How to Lead Application", "How to Prepare", "Resources For Growing as a Leader". "Every year, InterVarsity trains thousands of college…
October 25, 2019

The Word Among Us

Scripture Engagement in IFES
Sabine Kalthof et al. (2015)
"How can we make sure that each new generation of students loves, studies, lives and shares God’s Word?" A team of IFES staff produced a booklet with this purpose in mind. It contains two resources, which can be used independently…
October 25, 2018
AdvocacyBible Study

IFES Scripture Engagement

International Fellowship of Evangelical Students
"Scripture engagement is about all of life. It is listening and responding to God’s Word alone and together with others. It is digesting and living out the Word in every relationship and circumstance. It is unashamedly and competently sharing God’s…
July 25, 2013
Meditation and PrayerResearch

The Psalms and Spirituality

A study of meditative engagement with selected psalms amongst Edinburgh students
Fergus Macdonald (2008)
"...the creative engagement between respondents and text results from respondents discovering that the psalms resonate with their idealism and basic human needs in ways that facilitate their ongoing spiritual quest for meaning and enlightenment, as well as providing an opportunity…
February 13, 2009