Popular Bible Reading in Latin America

Popular Bible Reading in Latin America
“Then their [our] eyes were opened…”
Author: Silvia Regina de Lima Silva

“In Latin America the interpretational situation is shaped by the community dimension – so we talk about reading communities. We affirm that the community is the context (literally ‘the lap’) in which the meaning of the text can rest and express its full implications. This is a passionate reading in which people study the text and explore it deeply with body, soul and emotions… ‘Were not our hearts burning within us?’”

Grassroots or ‘Popular Bible Reading’ (PBR) is a space for reflection that takes as its starting point a dialogue between life and the Bible. In this article, Silvia Regina de Lima Silva uses themes from the Emmaus Road story to describe this community-based Bible reading approach which began among the poor and marginalized over thirty years ago.

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