Scripture Engagement Research Initiative
Scripture Engagement Research Initiative
A multiagency research program of Dallas International University

Dallas International University (DIU), in collaboration with SIL’s Pike Center for Integrative Scholarship, has launched the Scripture Engagement Research Initiative (SERI). The SERI program hosts a series of large grant-funded Scripture Engagement research projects. Research topics are proposed both by participants and by the SERI leadership. Participants can serve for short periods of time or as part of a longer-term assignment.

What are the goals of the SERI Initiative?
The desire for Scripture Engagement / Scripture Impact related research has never been higher. Multiple Bible agencies are requesting research on Scripture Engagement.

These kinds of research projects can benefit the Bible translation movement in the following ways:

  • Identify best practices in Scripture Impact according to current knowledge in the field
  • Discover new elements contributing to successful engagement with Scripture
  • Increase donor return-on-investment in Bible translation through more impacting programs

Who can participate as researchers?

  • Current or future Dallas International University students.
  • Interested researchers from any organization.
  • Research Associates or Research Fellows at Dallas International University.

The SERI Initiative is looking for anyone interested in Scripture engagement research. One does not have to be affiliated with DIU or SIL. Each research project will include training specific to the research design being used. Researchers can participate in the initiative for a short period of time or as part of longer-term project.

More details can be found in the documents below:

Resources to download:
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