The dedication of the NT is too momentous an occasion not to be taken seriously or to be left in untrained hands. It is a turning point in the translation programme. It must not be badly handled. For some involved in Bible translation, the stage of the dedication of the New Testament marks the culmination of the programme. But we believe that this step, while important, is not the end. It is rather the beginning.
Zacharie Manyim Mimb takes us through the different stages of organising a dedication, giving recommendations and highlighting things that could go wrong if we do not pay careful attention. He shares lessons learned over 15 years (from 2005 to 2020) as he has observed the organisation of many New Testament dedication ceremonies as a Scripture Engagement consultant with CABTAL (Cameroon Association for Bible Translation and Literacy).
Topics covered include what needs to be done before the dedication (organising committee, site and logistics, advance visits) as well as the dedication ceremony itself (speeches, solemn entry of the New Testament, statement by the translation consultant, prayer of dedication, Bible reading, preaching, sales), and after the dedication.
After the euphoria of the dedication ceremony is over, the work is not over. The community needs to interact with the Scriptures more than ever to experience transformation.
The original paper is in French, and a translation in English is also available.