
Audio Recording - Scripture Engagement



Producing scripts for dramatized audio recordings of Scripture
"This software is reducing the amount of time it takes for us to script a language from 4 days down to 4 hours – all the while increasing accuracy for recording teams worldwide." - Jonathan Huguenin, Faith Comes by Hearing…
September 27, 2019

Comment enregistrer à l’ordinateur

Un manuel d’utilisation pour l’éditeur audio numérique Audacity
Fina Linan, Richard Margetts (2014)
This is the updated and expanded 2014 French version of How to do recording on your computer, an in-depth beginner's manual for recording with Audacity. Scripture engagement practitioners across the Francophone world are using Audacity to record Scripture portions, Bible…
March 19, 2014

Essential Audio Recording Scripts

Tools to simplify the process of Audio Bible Recordings
The Essential Audio Recording Scripts (EARS) from SIL International Media Services are a series of documents that have been developed to assist the recording specialist with the task of recording entire books of the Bible. EARS documents are available for…
August 12, 2013

How to do Recording on your Computer

A Beginner's Guide to Audacity (Third Edition)
Richard Margetts (2012)
Updated for Audacity 2.0 (July 2012). Are you looking to record audio Scripture, radio programmes, Scripture-based songs, Bible study discussions or publicity for Scripture products? One of the most popular programs for recording audio on your computer is Audacity. It…
July 31, 2012

Advice for Scripture and Drama Recording

A guide for narrators and actors
Mark Datson (2005)
"Make a big effort to understand the full meaning of the text... Try to put yourself in the shoes of your character. Think of their character, their temperament, their behaviour. What do they like? What don’t they like?" This is…
December 7, 2009

Drama productions for Scripture Use

Joyce Prettol (1989)
The cassette dramas were very effective and listened to repeatedly. The Ese Ejjas are a nomadic river people group of Bolivia. Joyce Prettol describes how no one was able to read Scripture with expression, as reading is a personal skill…
December 11, 2008