
MegaVoice - Scripture Engagement

Which Audio Player?AudioDigital

Which Audio Player?

Listening to the translated Scriptures: a review of today’s digital audio players
Richard Margetts (2024)
Fifth Edition - Revised for May 2024 It is not hard to convince those involved in Scripture access and Scripture engagement of the value of listening to audio Scriptures. We want to assist communities in making strategic choices about how…
May 26, 2024
MegaVoice LifeLightAudio

LifeLight Audio Bible Lantern

Solar-powered lantern with a built-in audio Bible player and radio
"The LifeLight provides much-needed light as well as life-giving messages." The LifeLight from MegaVoice is a solar-powered lantern, audio Bible player, AM/FM radio, clock, and loud speaker system via an external FM Headset transmitter. It can be used by house…
May 3, 2023
DigitalMarketing and Distribution

MegaVoice SAFE

MicroSD Card Locker/Unlocker
MicroSD cards are a cost-effective way to make God’s Word accessible. They are lightweight and easily concealed for ministries working in creative access locations. However, most microSD cards distributed by ministries are wiped and reused. If your ministry is using…
June 28, 2020

MegaVoice Companion Audio Bible

The MegaVoice Companion is light, discrete and compact. It has no speaker and no solar panel. Instead, you listen by plugging in an external speaker or earphones. Using the special SLS loading cable, you can add MP3 content easily to…
October 6, 2019

MegaVoice Wildlife Storytellers

Cuddly Animal plus Solar Audio Player
Wildlife STORYTELLERS share audio Bible stories with children and adults around the world in their own native tongue. The stuffed tigers, elephants, bears and others can be loaded with recordings in over 5,000 languages and dialects. When you place these…
October 6, 2018

MegaVoice Envoy 2 Audio Bibles

Solar-powered Audio Players
MegaVoice Envoy 2 players are designed for listening to audio Scriptures and can include additional audio materials for encouraging Scripture engagement. Depending on the model, the Envoy 2 E-series players include the following features: the ability to record audio, variable…
April 19, 2016