
Networks - Scripture Engagement


Mobile Ministry Forum

The Mobile Ministry Forum (MMF) is a coalition of ministries working towards the goal of giving every unreached person a chance to encounter Christ and His kingdom in a compelling, contextualized fashion through their personal mobile device by 2020. On…
April 18, 2013
Trauma Healing

Trauma Healing Institute

We are a global collaboration of ministries dedicated to helping people around the world heal from the pain of trauma. The THI Method Our method is simple. It brings a group of people together in a safe place, where they…
August 15, 2012
DigitalFilm and Video

Visual Story Network

The purpose of the Visual Story Network is to foster movements of media, story and innovation that accelerate disciple-making and church planting. A movement is a group of people with a shared set of aims bigger than any single entity.…
March 11, 2010

Christian Connections for International Health

The mission of Christian Connections for International Health is to promote international health and wholeness from a Christian perspective. CCIH provides field-oriented information resources and a forum for discussion, networking, and fellowship to the spectrum of Christian organizations and individuals…
November 19, 2008

Micah Global

Our vision is a world where people live life to the full because Christian communities are mobilised for wholistically transformative mission, rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Micah Global is a world-wide Christian community of organisations and individuals committed…
November 7, 2008
Music and Worship

Global Ethnodoxology Network

GEN envisions a future in which communities of Jesus followers in every culture engage with God and the world through their own artistic expressions. The Global Ethnodoxology Network offers networking, training, and resources for the flourishing of biblical and culturally…
November 7, 2008
AudioDigitalFilm and VideoRadio

AbR Media

AbR Media (formerly Africa by Radio) is a network of Christian media organizations across Sub-Sahara Africa. They exist as a strategic framework to avoiding duplication of effort and encourage co-operation in making true Disciples of Jesus Christ. "We are committed…
October 18, 2008
AudioFilm and VideoOralityRadio

International Orality Network

To influence the Body of Christ to make disciples of all oral learners
The International Orality Network’s vision and mission is to influence the Body of Christ to make disciples of all oral learners. We believe that the foundation of discipleship is the shaping by, and obedience to, the Word of God. We…
October 17, 2008