
Using the Arts

LiteracyMusic and Worship

Music: a bridge to literacy

Mary E Saurman (1993)
"Learning takes place when the activity is (1) receptor-oriented, (2) context-oriented, (3) repetitive, and (4) participatory… Indigenous music embraces all four of these learning components. Not only are the words in the people’s spoken language, but the music is also…
May 13, 2010
Visual Arts

Foundation Matters – Bible Pictures

"We often see the 'greatest message' presented in the 'poorest way'. This project is all about seeking to present the Bible in the best possible way for children." Over 100 beautifully illustrated Bible picture sets, available in PowerPoint format to…
March 10, 2010

Advice for Scripture and Drama Recording

A guide for narrators and actors
Mark Datson (2005)
"Make a big effort to understand the full meaning of the text... Try to put yourself in the shoes of your character. Think of their character, their temperament, their behaviour. What do they like? What don’t they like?" This is…
December 7, 2009
Visual Arts

The Life of Jesus Mafa

A set of African illustrations of the Gospel
Vie de Jesus Mafa (Life of Jesus Mafa) was an initiative undertaken in the 1970s to help teach the gospel in Northern Cameroon. French Catholic missionary François Vidil worked with Mafa Christian communities in Cameroon to create an enormous catalogue…
October 28, 2009

Drama productions for Scripture Use

Joyce Prettol (1989)
The cassette dramas were very effective and listened to repeatedly. The Ese Ejjas are a nomadic river people group of Bolivia. Joyce Prettol describes how no one was able to read Scripture with expression, as reading is a personal skill…
December 11, 2008