


Current Issues in Scripture Engagement

Dallas International University, Texas
What are the major issues influencing Scripture engagement below the surface? This course encourages the student to analyze motivations and causal elements that underlie many of the Scripture engagement choices people make. Using a partially student-designed approach, course participants select…
June 24, 2020

Graduate Certificate in Scripture Engagement

Dallas International University, Texas
Dallas International University offers a Graduate Certificate in Scripture Engagement. The Certificate in Scripture Engagement provides expertise in a particular domain of Scripture Engagement service as well as broad competency in Scripture Engagement. It prepares people to comprehensively understand Scripture…
June 24, 2020

Mission Media Coach

Mission Media Coach is a YouTube channel dedicated to helping you use media and mobile phone devices to help others know and follow Jesus. It is a growing library of videos to inspire and equip you with case studies, app…
March 5, 2020


Institut Chrétien de Formation en Médias pour l'Afrique Francophone
The vision of the mediAfrique school is to equip French-speaking Christians to become media missionaries, capable of effectively communicating the Gospel in order to make disciples of Christ. It is created to be a tool for the Church in Francophone…
October 6, 2019
DigitalStrategic PlanningTraining

Mission Media U

Mission Media U is a mentored, online training platform designed to help Christ-followers be more effective in making disciples and establishing churches by using media, story and innovative technology. Mission Media U is offering the following courses: Foundations of Media…
September 28, 2019
Music and WorshipTrainingVisual Arts

MA with Major in World Arts

Dallas International University, Texas
Center for Excellence in World Arts The MA with a major in World Arts prepares students to work cross-culturally alongside singers, musicians, actors, dancers, storytellers, and visual artists, researching the arts of their community. Using these insights, the student will…
April 24, 2019
DigitalEvangelismStrategic PlanningTraining

Kingdom Training

Kingdom.Training is an online training hub that equips disciple makers to accelerate movements through effective use of media. There is a focus on media to movements, social media and internet marketing. Courses include: Media to Disciple Making Movements: Strategy Development…
October 5, 2018
Music and WorshipTraining

Arts for a Better Future

Arts for a Better Future (ABF) is a one-week workshop that trains participants to spark local, Scripture-infused creativity that moves communities toward the kingdom of God. The training content follows the 7-step process contained in Creating Local Arts Together: A…
April 26, 2013