MicroPi WiFi Multimedia Server

MicroPi WiFi Multimedia Server
Share files offline

The MicroPi exploits the tiny RaspberryPi Zero W microcomputer. Similar in function to devices like the BibleBox, ConnectBox and Lightstream Pocket, it operates as a portable website, permitting the sharing of files with WiFi enabled devices in places not served by the internet.

Internationally available, the RaspberryPi Zero W includes everything required for this function. Its memory is available in sizes ranging from 8GB to 512GB, enabling an enormous quantity of material to be shared by this tiny device.

About half the size of a credit card, the device can be loaded with text, audio, video, smartphone apps, images, or any other digital file. A common use case would be to provide a WiFi server in a school, coffee house or church. The addition of a powerbank style battery provides autonomy for portable use.

MicroPi has the ability to serve audio files to Android apps generated by Scripture App Builder.

For a comparison of the MicroPi, compared to other Wi-Fi media boxes, please see Which Wi-Fi Media Box?

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