Proclaimer Audio Bible
Solar-powered audio players from Faith Comes By Hearing
The Proclaimer is designed for use in Faith Comes By Hearing listening groups. In most cases, its fixed content will be the whole New Testament in up to four different languages.
There are three sizes of Proclaimer: Large, Mid-Size and Micro.
- The Large Proclaimer is loud enough for a very big group to listen to. Its rechargeable batteries are charged by a built-in solar panel. It also has a hand-crank on the side.
- The Mid-size Proclaimer is for listening groups where people do not need the larger Proclaimer and where it is preferable to listen in small group contexts. Its smaller size makes it more portable, and shipping is less expensive.
- The Micro Proclaimer is the smallest member of the Proclaimer family of players, with enough capacity to contain one complete audio Bible. It is designed for individual listening using earbuds. Charging of the rechargeable battery is by the USB port. There is no built-in speaker or solar panel.
For a review of the Proclaimer compared with other digital audio players, please see Which Audio Player?.
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