Relational Bible Storying and Scripture Use

Relational Bible Storying and Scripture Use
Making the Story Meaningful
Author: Jack Colgate
Publisher: International Journal of Frontier Missions, Vol. 25:3, 25:4 (2008)

Thankfully, many resources and materials for Bible storying are now available. As I began to review and use these resources, however, it seemed that the relational context of Bible storying was too seldom addressed. Even in my own ministry, when I first learned about chronological Bible storying, I initially focused on technique and strategy and what steps I would take to reach my “target” group. I had simply replaced propositional truths with narrative and was learning to “shoot” stories rather than spiritual laws…

In Part 1, the author urges that Bible storying in oral ontexts makes more explicit the relational base of a storying approach to gospel sowing and discipling. He argues that Bible storying should include two other important aspects of narrative: storying from our own lives and learning to ask good questions and listen well in order to draw out the stories from the lives of our listeners.

…learn to use the Bible as more than just God’s storybook. It can also be used as a songbook, prayer book, book of recitations, book of creeds, book of case studies – all effective ways that the Bible has been used throughout the history of God’s people in largely oral contexts.

As we literates reconnect with the many dynamic ways that Scripture can be communicated orally, we must not devalue the significance of the written word.

In Part 2, the author outlines what the Bible says about the importance of the Scriptures as both a holy written word and a holy orally communicated word.

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