Most frontier Bible translators would agree that one of the major goals of their role in the total mission task is that the receptor language community would gain access to adequate Scriptures. Scriptures may be defined as being “adequate” when they include (1) a selection of portions from the Old and New Testaments sufficient to address the basic spiritual needs of that community; (2) in a language that serves them well; and (3) in usable, appropriate media such that motivated members of their community are able to use them for personal growth and church planting.
In this paper, Rick Brown seeks to answer the following questions regarding the adequacy and accessibility of translated Scriptures:
- What portions or passages from the Old Testament and New Testament are sufficient to address the basic spiritual needs of this community and enable motivated members of the community to use them for spiritual growth?
- What media are usable and appropriate and available for this community, including print and/or nonprint forms, such that they can enable motivated members of the community to access the Scriptures and use them for personal growth?