
Harriet Hill - Scripture Engagement

Traduire la Bible en ActesAdvocacyBible ReadingBible StorytellingBible StudyBible TranslationCultureLanguage Issues

Traduire la Bible en Actes

Manuel pour faire un bon usage de la Bible dans chaque langue et culture
Margaret Hill, Harriet Hill (2024)
Second Edition "Je recommande ce livre à tous ceux qui souhaitent que la traduction de la Bible transforme des vies ! Traduire la Bible en Actes rassemble une mine d’expériences de praticiens de la traduction qui cherchent à faciliter l’interaction…
November 11, 2024
Translating the Bible into Action (2nd edition)AdvocacyBible PreachingBible ReadingBible StorytellingBible StudyBible TranslationChildrenCultureDigitalDramaLanguage IssuesLiteracyMarketing and DistributionMeditation and PrayerMemorising ScriptureMusic and WorshipTrauma HealingVisual Arts

Translating the Bible into Action

How the Bible can be Relevant in all Languages and Cultures
Margaret Hill, Harriet Hill (2022)
Second Edition (2022) When Jesus was born to Mary, God “translated” himself into our human world. This act of God’s translation continues today wherever the gospel is expressed, in each language and lived out in each culture that makes up…
June 18, 2022
Strength from WeaknessTrauma Healing

Strength from Weakness

Growing through Suffering
Harriet Hill (2021)
This book is the second in a series, intended to be used after the first book, Healing the Wounds of Trauma: How the Church Can Help. The first book helps people heal from trauma and loss using biblical and mental…
September 27, 2021
Trauma Healing

Healing the Wounds of Trauma

How the Church can Help
Harriet Hill, Margaret Hill, Richard Bagge, Pat Miersma (2016)
This book offers a practical approach to engaging the Bible and mental health principles to find God’s healing for wounds of the heart. This provides a strong foundation for restored lives and relationships. It is a resource for leaders in…
November 23, 2016
Trauma Healing

Healing the Wounds of Trauma (North American Edition)

How the Church Can Help
Harriet Hill, Margaret Hill, Dick Baggé, and Pat Miersma (2015)
This book offers a practical approach to engaging the Bible and mental health principles to find God’s healing for wounds of the heart, which provides a strong foundation for restored lives and relationships. This edition is adapted for ministry in…
April 28, 2016
ChildrenTrauma Healing

Healing Children’s Wounds of Trauma

Facilitator's Manual and Children's Book
Harriet Hill, Margaret Hill, Debbie Braaksma, Lyn Westman (2014)
"Even though Joseph had the opportunity and the power to get revenge on his brothers, he chose to forgive them. He even provided for their future rather than return evil for evil. Though it may be very difficult to forgive,…
October 28, 2014

Are Vernacular Scriptures Being Used? Kabiye Research Results

The Bible Translator - Vol 63, No 2 (April 2012)
Harriet Hill (2012)
"Much effort and funding is invested every year by many organizations to provide vernacular Scriptures to minority peoples. Are these Scriptures being used? What factors affect their use? We have anecdotes and rumors, but very little real research. "Over the…
April 10, 2013
Bible Translation

Bible Translation Basics

Communicating Scripture in a Relevant Way
Harriet Hill, Ernst-August Gutt, Margaret Hill, Christoph Unger, Rick Floyd (2011)
Over the past thirty years, scholars have made significant advances in understanding how human communication functions. They have moved from looking for meaning in texts alone to seeing texts as providing clues that lead hearers to discover the speaker’s intended…
August 30, 2011
AdvocacyBible ReadingBible StorytellingBible StudyBible TranslationCultureLanguage Issues

Colocando a Bíblia em Ação

Como tornar a Bíblia relevante para todas as línguas e culturas
Harriet Hill, Margaret Hill (2010)
This is the Brazilian Portuguese version of the book Translating the Bible into Action by Harriet Hill and Margaret Hill. A tried and tested resource that encourages meaningful Bible use in multi-lingual contexts through both written and oral media. Includes…
August 24, 2010