
Martin Lange - Scripture Engagement

DigitalMarketing and Distribution

Which Wi-Fi Media Box?

A detailed comparison of the ConnectBox, LightStream Pocket, MicroPi and BibleBox Pi
Martin Lange (2021)
How do you get digital resources into the hands of people who aren’t connected to the Internet? How do you distribute apps, videos, audio, documents, and images to people who can’t afford the data it would take to download those…
May 31, 2021
DigitalMarketing and Distribution

Using Your Wi-Fi Media Box

28 ideas for digital distribution
Martin Lange (2020)
For years, Missionary Aviation Fellowship’s pilots carried a box on planes containing Bibles and Christian literature. When they landed, these resources would be offered for sale. Eventually, due to the popularity of smartphones and the weight of books, they switched…
December 8, 2020