
Wayne Dye - Scripture Engagement

Strategic PlanningTraining

EMDC Online: Scripture Engagement Courses

Scripture Engagement: Planning for the Journey
A three part series (3 sets of 10 one hour sessions) based around Wayne Dye's Eight Conditions for Scripture Engagement will be hosted on EMDC.online. Continuing to build and expand on long established insights about how people engage with Scripture…
January 18, 2022
AppsAudioDigitalFilm and VideoMarketing and DistributionOrality

The EMDC Podcast

Getting to know the people, places and possibilities behind the global EMDC community
The EMDC Podcast gives you the opportunity to meet some of the people involved in Scripture Engagement around the world. Podcast hosts Tim Cowley and Steve Baughman talk to colleagues involved in orality and storytelling, filmmaking, ethnoarts, websites for ministry,…
October 7, 2021
Strategic Planning

The Eight Conditions Questionnaire

Evaluating the conditions for Scripture Engagement
David Gray (2019)
This questionnaire takes you through each of Wayne Dye's Eight Conditions of Scripture Engagement, asking questions to help you evaluate a particular context. It is available to download as Word documents in both English and French. The process of filling…
July 24, 2019
ResearchResponding to Needs

Bible Translation Strategy

An Analysis of Its Spiritual Impact
T. Wayne Dye (1985)
People respond to the Gospel in proportion to their conviction that God and his Word are relevant to the concerns of daily life. This will be called the principle of "personal relevance". A translator or local believer can bring this…
October 5, 2015
DigitalFilm and Video

Video Translation: Opportunity and Challenge

Published in Global Missiology, January 2014
T Wayne Dye, Tim Hatcher (2014)
"The worldwide spread of cell phones that can show video will enable us to bring the Scriptures into the lives of more people more effectively than ever before. Whatever the challenges, let us not miss this opportunity." Video renditions of…
July 31, 2014
AdvocacyStrategic Planning

Eight Conditions: a summary in French

Huit conditions pour l’utilisation des Écritures
Wayne Dye
This is a 7-page summary in French of Wayne Dye's "Eight Conditions of Scripture Engagement". The awareness of the contribution of each of these eight factors can help in developing strategies to promote the use of God's Word. For a…
February 24, 2010
AdvocacyResearchStrategic Planning

The Eight Conditions of Scripture Engagement

Social and Cultural Factors Necessary for Vernacular Bible Translation to Achieve Maximum Effect
T. Wayne Dye (2009)
The listing of these Eight Conditions or eight categories of factors used as a tool for evaluation can prevent surprises and help the church, missionaries, and Bible translators alike to focus on those activities that are likely to have maximum…
July 14, 2009