

AdvocacyResponding to NeedsWomenYoung People

Bible in Mission

Regnum Edinburgh Centenary Series
Pauline Hoggarth, Fergus Macdonald, Bill Mitchell, Knud Jørgensen (eds.) (2013)
“The Bible is alive – it has hands and grabs hold of me, it has feet and runs after me”. Thus spoke Martin Luther, as cited by Knud Jørgensen in a quotation that summarizes the deeper meaning of this book.…
June 17, 2014
AdvocacyBible Study

IFES Scripture Engagement

International Fellowship of Evangelical Students
"Scripture engagement is about all of life. It is listening and responding to God’s Word alone and together with others. It is digesting and living out the Word in every relationship and circumstance. It is unashamedly and competently sharing God’s…
July 25, 2013

Jump Into the Word Blog

Bible Engagement blog by Lawson Murray
On the jumpintotheword blog, Dr Lawson Murray, President of Scripture Union Canada, shares regular reflections on issues of Bible engagement: "Is God’s Word part of you? Are you consumed with longing for it? Is it embedded in your soul –…
June 1, 2013
AdvocacyBible ReadingBible StorytellingBible StudyBible TranslationCultureLanguage Issues

Traduire la Bible en Actes

Manuel pour faire un bon usage de la Bible dans chaque langue et culture
Harriet Hill, Margaret Hill (2011)
"Ce manuel est un guide efficace pour une bonne préparation à l'étude biblique, à la méditation, à la prédication intégrant les réalitiés culturelles de chaque peuple." This is the French version of the book Translating the Bible into Action by…
October 27, 2011
AdvocacyBible Reading

Read the Bible for Life

An initiative aiming to improve biblical literacy in the church
"Read the Bible for Life aims to improve biblical literacy in the culture and the church by simultaneously moving readers toward greater skill in reading the Bible well and toward a deeper commitment to applying Scripture to everyday life." The…
February 20, 2011