
Scripture Engagement Essentials

AdvocacyBible ReadingBible StorytellingBible StudyBible TranslationCultureLanguage Issues

Colocando a Bíblia em Ação

Como tornar a Bíblia relevante para todas as línguas e culturas
Harriet Hill, Margaret Hill (2010)
This is the Brazilian Portuguese version of the book Translating the Bible into Action by Harriet Hill and Margaret Hill. A tried and tested resource that encourages meaningful Bible use in multi-lingual contexts through both written and oral media. Includes…
August 24, 2010

Bible Engagement Among Australian Young People

Philip Hughes, Claire Pickering (2010)
"In Australia, frequent Bible reading is the practice of a small group (between 3% and 5%) of young people. This is predominantly a sub-group of those who are involved in Evangelical and Pentecostal churches and youth groups, and those who…
August 16, 2010

Bible Engagement: a process

Harriet Hill (2010)
"Are you stuck along the way of engaging with the Bible? If so, where? Why? If you're involved in ministry, are the people you work with stuck? If so, where? Why?" Scripture Engagement can be seen as a process: Bible…
April 27, 2010
AdvocacyStrategic Planning

Eight Conditions: a summary in French

Huit conditions pour l’utilisation des Écritures
Wayne Dye
This is a 7-page summary in French of Wayne Dye's "Eight Conditions of Scripture Engagement". The awareness of the contribution of each of these eight factors can help in developing strategies to promote the use of God's Word. For a…
February 24, 2010


Encouraging Christians in the UK to engage with the Bible
BibleFresh was a joint initiative which aimed to encourage and inspire churches across the UK to make the most of the year 2011, empowering Christians to a deeper level of engagement with the Bible. The initiative brought together nearly a…
February 10, 2010

The Bible in the future

What future is there for the Bible in our churches?
Henri Bacher (2009)
"The greatest difficulty is no longer distribution, but appropriating the content of the Bible... There is a need to teach believers to meditate and, as in any learning process, you have to give regular booster injections if you want people…
February 1, 2010

International Bulletin of Missionary Research

With in-depth analyses of worldwide Christianity and mission-focused book reviews, the International Bulletin of Mission Research is an unparalleled source of information on the world Christian movement engaged in God’s mission. As the academic fields that study this engagement evolve,…
January 8, 2010

SIL i-DELTA Scripture Engagement and Media Training

Links: Anglophone i-DELTA, Uganda Francophone i-DELTA, Cameroon i-DELTA is the Institute for the Development of Languages and Translation in Africa. It provides undergraduate level education and practical training in the areas of Bible translation, Scripture engagement (including trauma healing), media,…
October 28, 2009