
Film and Video

Film and Video

The Story of Genesis

An Abridged Version of the Genesis Video
The Story of Genesis video is a single narration production, which can be dubbed into other languages which have a translation of the book of Genesis. It is an abridged version of the Genesis video, 90 minutes long, which conveys…
October 5, 2016
Film and Video

The Lost Sheep

In the high mountains of Central Asia are shepherds who live a simple but rugged life. The village where they live is extremely remote and isolated from the outside world. Going there feels like you're stepping back into time. This…
April 25, 2016
AppsDigitalFilm and Video

Jesus Film Project App

Full-length movies, mini-series, and short films in 1,600+ languages
The Jesus Film Project app is available for the iPhone, iPad, Android smartphones and tablets, giving users free access to films in over 1,600 languages. The menus, video descriptions and all the text surrounding the films are available in several…
December 3, 2015
Film and Video

Genesis Video

The Genesis video follows the stories of Genesis chronologically. It is divided into 18 episodes of 15 to 20 minutes each, with a total running time of 5 hours 20 minutes. It can be dubbed into other languages, either in…
October 5, 2015
DigitalFilm and Video

Video Translation: Opportunity and Challenge

Published in Global Missiology, January 2014
T Wayne Dye, Tim Hatcher (2014)
"The worldwide spread of cell phones that can show video will enable us to bring the Scriptures into the lives of more people more effectively than ever before. Whatever the challenges, let us not miss this opportunity." Video renditions of…
July 31, 2014
Film and VideoVisual Arts

Bible Story Media Tools

A Media Tool for Translation and Beyond
Margaret Doll, Julie Limmer (2011)
"Not everybody can wait! Written translation often takes years. What if we could have Bible stories in video form in weeks? What if you had a tool to engage people in the Bible translation process while broadening access to the…
June 6, 2013
ChildrenFilm and VideoVisual Arts

The Illustrated Bible

Illustrated Bible selections and Bible videos
Keith Neely (2012)
"I realised that no translation was worth anything if my children didn't read it on their own because they wanted to. The burning question for me as a parent was how do I get my children into the word of…
September 14, 2012
ChildrenFilm and Video


Bible stories that come alive for children
Producer: Viña Studios, Sololá, Guatemala, Central America Deditos is a video Bible story series targeting children between the ages of 4 and 14. Considering the challenges faced by children throughout the two‐thirds world, the stories are carefully chosen to reveal…
June 19, 2012
DigitalFilm and VideoYoung People

Viral Good News

Letting go of our most valuable resources
Roy Meredith (Logosdor, Australia) (2009)
"Those under 20 are ‘digital natives’ — fearless and proficient in manipulating the media with understanding of it structure and potential. It is these young people we must harness to help Christians be salt and light on the internet social…
April 9, 2011