Here are some COVID-19 materials that are free to download, use, adapt and translate into other languages. They can help us engage with the Bible, thinking about what God has to say to us and how it can impact our daily lives in this time.
During this time when COVID-19 has so widely impacted the world around us, wisdom is needed to know what to believe and which actions to take to best protect ourselves and those around us. The other character trait that needs to guide us in this is that of love. The Bible also has a lot to say to us about what love is and how we can walk in the way of love.
The materials to download include:
- Bible Study Discussions: Seeking Wisdom, Love and Unity
- COVID-19 Story: Amani and Peter help their community
- COVID-19 Skit: Illustrating how COVID-19 vaccines work
They are made available under a Creative Commons license.