
French - Scripture Engagement


Lessons from Luke

English and French teacher's guides, coloring pages and big picture books
Chris and Karen Jackson (eds.) (2015)
Lessons from Luke is a 52-lesson curriculum for children, based on the Gospel of Luke and developed in the North West region of Cameroon. It aims to provide an easy-to-follow series of lessons that are culturally appropriate and make use…
November 22, 2019
Bible StudyDiscipleshipEvangelism

Discovery Bible Study

Discovery Bible Study is a simple method to see for oneself what the Bible says about life's big questions. This website provides a guide to Discovery Bible Studies, a list of 28 suggested Bible passages, and additional studies. Content is…
October 22, 2019


Institut Chrétien de Formation en Médias pour l'Afrique Francophone
The vision of the mediAfrique school is to equip French-speaking Christians to become media missionaries, capable of effectively communicating the Gospel in order to make disciples of Christ. It is created to be a tool for the Church in Francophone…
October 6, 2019
Strategic Planning

The Eight Conditions Questionnaire

Evaluating the conditions for Scripture Engagement
David Gray (2019)
This questionnaire takes you through each of Wayne Dye's Eight Conditions of Scripture Engagement, asking questions to help you evaluate a particular context. It is available to download as Word documents in both English and French. The process of filling…
July 24, 2019
Marketing and Distribution

Our Bible has Arrived!

Organising a dedication event to celebrate the publication of a New Testament, Bible or other translated books
Richard Margetts (2018)
Second edition, in English and French. "Lord, the moment we’ve been waiting for has arrived! What we were longing for, our hands have touched!" How do you celebrate the publication of a Bible book: a Bible, a New Testament or…
October 29, 2018

Évangile et Culture

Jalons de réconciliation
Zacharie Manyim M. (2017)
"I welcome the publication of this book in an Africa where the arrival of the Good News had essentially been bad news for our cultural realities. Zac invites us to examine our cultures in the light of the Gospel, in…
October 7, 2018
AdvocacyDiscipleshipStrategic Planning

Interagir avec la Parole de Dieu pour la Vie

Construire des ponts à travers l’interaction avec la Bible et le discipolat
Bettina Gottschlich-Modibale (2017)
"Bible translation and Scripture engagement play a role in liberating a people to understand their value, role, and destiny according to the Word of God and to embrace it to glorify God, to transform nations and make disciples." In this…
December 20, 2017