Thesis for Master of Arts with major in Language and Culture Studies, Dallas International University.
This thesis provides an analysis of current language choices self-reported by Havu participants within the domain of the Havu Christian churches in the urban center of Goma compared with the geographically isolated Idjwi Island. Through interviewing twenty participants at three separate sites in each location, for a total of one hundred and twenty participants, six factors currently affecting language choice in the Havu speech communities of Goma and Idjwi Island emerged. These factors include: (1) intergenerational transmission, (2) language attitude, (3) language contact, (4) social networks, (5) identity, and (6) geographic location.
Through analysis of these factors two different status levels were identified for the speech communities on the EGIDS. Within the urban center of Goma, the Havu language is at level 6b and showing signs of being threatened. While on Idjwi Island the Havu language is at level 6a, an orally sustainable level.