The Social Network Gospel
How interconnectivity helps us better engage the Bible
Author: Robert C. Crosby
Publisher: Christianity Today (June 2012)

“Not only do billions around the world now have access to the Bible online, and not only are many of them actually reading it, they’re also actively engaging with the Word of God—and with one another in far flung virtual communities across the planet.

With these trends, the vocabulary of Bible dissemination is changing. For centuries, the buzzword was distribution, with a focus on quantity delivered. The new buzzword is engagement.”

In this Christianity Today article, Robert Crosby examines Scripture engagement in the online world of smartphones, tablets and Facebook.

He points to four principles we can learn from online engagement:

  • Initiative: “Those who start simply, and simply start, rule the new roads.”
  • Responsiveness: “The pulse of online Bible engagement is rapid response and connections.”
  • Frequency: “To try repeatedly is vital in engaging people with Scripture online.”
  • Saturation: “…a constant awareness of reaching broadly—that a small impact on one soul has the potential of reaching thousands more in a short span of time.”
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