
Engaging with Scripture

Bible ReadingMeditation and Prayer

Bible Reading Start-up Guide

Practical help for enjoying God’s Word every day
Whitney Kuniholm
Too often, we take a purely intellectual approach to the Bible. We think that studying more and more will somehow make God’s Word come alive. Of course, it’s valuable to gain Bible knowledge and to learn biblical truth. But the…
April 25, 2009
Bible StorytellingOrality

Relational Bible Storying and Scripture Use

Making the Story Meaningful
Jack Colgate (2008)
Thankfully, many resources and materials for Bible storying are now available. As I began to review and use these resources, however, it seemed that the relational context of Bible storying was too seldom addressed. Even in my own ministry, when…
April 1, 2009
Bible Study

The Swedish Method

A method for studying the Bible
Peter Blowes
The philosophy behind this style of Bible reading is to promote good observation of the text, group participation and self-guided discovery. Each person has the opportunity to discover for themselves what God says. In principle, no-one answers the questions unless…
March 30, 2009
Bible Reading

Six Steps to Reading Your Bible

Training for small groups with DVD and workbook
Tony Payne, Simon Roberts
Whatever your current Bible reading habits (or lack of them), and whatever your level of knowledge and confidence, Six Steps to Reading Your Bible will help you make progress in getting into your Bible. The course is especially designed for…
March 27, 2009
Film and VideoUnderstanding ScriptureYoung People

Living Worlds

Bringing the Ancient World to Life
Living Worlds is a series of videos that act as “video introductions” to several New Testament Books, partly funded by The Bible Society of Australia. To date there are four episodes: Rome, Corinth, Ephesus and Colossae. Filmed on locations in…
March 20, 2009
Bible StudyDiscipleshipLiteracy

Literacy for Life: a Tool for the Church?

A church-based literacy program for Ghana
Pat Herbert (2006)
The pastor will find that not only can his congregation read the Scriptures in their own language, but they will show a greater depth of understanding God’s Word and show growth in their Christian lives. Community literacy projects have been…
February 14, 2009
Meditation and PrayerResearch

The Psalms and Spirituality

A study of meditative engagement with selected psalms amongst Edinburgh students
Fergus Macdonald (2008)
"...the creative engagement between respondents and text results from respondents discovering that the psalms resonate with their idealism and basic human needs in ways that facilitate their ongoing spiritual quest for meaning and enlightenment, as well as providing an opportunity…
February 13, 2009