
French - Scripture Engagement

Traduire la Bible en ActesAdvocacyBible ReadingBible StorytellingBible StudyBible TranslationCultureLanguage Issues

Traduire la Bible en Actes

Manuel pour faire un bon usage de la Bible dans chaque langue et culture
Margaret Hill, Harriet Hill (2024)
Second Edition "Je recommande ce livre à tous ceux qui souhaitent que la traduction de la Bible transforme des vies ! Traduire la Bible en Actes rassemble une mine d’expériences de praticiens de la traduction qui cherchent à faciliter l’interaction…
November 11, 2024
Marketing and Distribution

Our Bible has Arrived!

Organising a dedication event to celebrate the publication of a New Testament, Bible or other translated books
Richard Margetts, Faantoni dit Souléhimana Traoré (2024)
Third edition, in English and French. "Lord, the moment we’ve been waiting for has arrived! What we were longing for, our hands have touched!" How do you celebrate the publication of a Bible book: a Bible, a New Testament or…
June 18, 2024
God's Story - Our StoryUnderstanding Scripture

God’s Story – Our Story

Bettina Gottschlich-Modibale (2023)
For many, the Bible is a foreign book with many stories and regulations. The gospel seems limited to giving one access to God and life after death, but everyday life questions, in all spheres of life, are being answered by…
August 1, 2023
Faith and FarmingCultureDevelopmentResponding to Needs

Faith and Farming

The Faith and Farming programme seeks to encourage farmers by learning from the many farmers in the Bible, including God Himself who planted the Garden of Eden. "The goal of Faith and Farming is twofold: to help those working on…
October 17, 2022
Bible Preaching

Pray Prepare Preach

Talk outlines for Bible teachers around the world
This series of study guides has basic talk outlines on various books of Scripture that are designed to help under-resourced Bible teachers in economically poorer parts of the world to understand and explain God's word clearly and accurately. They encourage…
July 19, 2021
DigitalResponding to Needs

Digital Dialogue

Daring to stay relevant in an era of information overload
Andreas Ernst (2021)
Effective media is not about the right products or numbers, but about the quality of interaction with people. What does this really mean? Andreas Ernst highlights three key principles which can help us assess how engaging our media approaches are.…
April 13, 2021
Bible StudyDigitalMarketing and Distribution

Training Mercy Ships’ Chaplains

Listening Groups and Scripture Distribution in Senegalese languages
Laurie Klaas (2021)
This report describes the Scripture Engagement training which was carried out in response to an invitation from Mercy Ships. Twelve local chaplains were trained to facilitate listening groups among the outpatients of Mercy Ship’s Hospital Out-Patient Extension Center (HOPE Center).…
January 6, 2021