Digital Dialogue
Daring to stay relevant in an era of information overload
Author: Andreas Ernst (2021)

Effective media is not about the right products or numbers, but about the quality of interaction with people.

What does this really mean? Andreas Ernst highlights three key principles which can help us assess how engaging our media approaches are. Not surprisingly, they are the same principles that apply to keeping up conversations and relationships: listening well, telling good stories and faithfulness.

“In our communication with the people we serve, how intentional are we about listening to their concerns as well as their stories? How faithfully do we keep up conversations with even just a few people or facilitate such conversations? Today, a number of media formats such as face-to-face or virtual listening groups, social media groups, call-in radio debates, participatory radio drama, or participatory film development make it possible to engage with people at a personal level and on an ongoing basis. These formats enable marginalized communities and individuals to express their views and concerns, as well as allowing us to accompany them over time in their faith. How are we making use of these opportunities?”

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